Extended reality for remote consulting: use case from a breast care unit
Sharing the success of a recent publication on the Royal College of Surgeons Bulletin on a remote consultation pilot using the Microsoft Hololens 2 device
The Digital Futures lab now has a new home. We’re now located in the Centre for Health & Care Professionals building – you can find the location at the bottom of this page.
The Stop Before You Block (SBYB) project is a 360-video education tool for patient safety. This programme includes several 360-degree immersive experiences that enable participants to become immersed in environments. Many of these experiences are shot from first person perspective of staff or patients. Experience, practice, reflection and further experience are key aspect in adult learning. VR experiences allow viewers to immerse and post-immersion they can reflect upon their experience and its relation to practice, calling for a discussion on improving behaviours and attitudes.
The SBYB is regularly taught as part of the Team Resource and Management (TEREMA) workshops that are provided to educate staff on issues such as effective communication, team behaviour, empathy and leadership. This programme was on of our first and was initially made available through portable Google Cardboard and then Samsung Galaxy VR headsets. Although the experience don’t offer any interaction between the viewer and the experience, there is a strong opportunity for experience reflection. After the workshop attendees experience the 360-degree films, they get an opportunity to discuss their feelings and thoughts about the experience with the group. Clinical lead Dr. Tod Guest provides debrief and helps the learners in tying the VR experience to practice. Discussions about managing critical clinical communication in complex and noisy environments ( e.g. operating theatre, ICU ward). VR technology allows cost-effective and safe, but powerful for learning, experiences that are vital to engage clinical and non-clinical training participants in a more
controlled, non-clinical teaching environment. Positive participant feedback has encouraged us to integrate this into our course.
Our biggest struggle since the introduction of the programme has been regarding scaling up the kit and software required to run the video smoothly. The TEREMA faculty does not have direct access to VR headsets and these must be loaned from the Immersive VR Lab. The headsets need to be booked in advance as they may be required elsewhere in the hospital or for research purposes. Although the software has undergone significant in-house development, in the future we hope to provide VR headsets that are for dedicated use by the TEREMA faculty.
Sharing the success of a recent publication on the Royal College of Surgeons Bulletin on a remote consultation pilot using the Microsoft Hololens 2 device
Implementing new patient-facing technology in the NHS is not for the faint hearted! It is essential to gather a team around you, which includes patients
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEwxuXprezI A wheelchair that uses Eye tracking to aid people with motor neurone disease in order to give them the freedom of mobility for longer, the
The rheumatology questionnaire is a mixed-reality application developed in-house for the paediatric ward for reducing anxiety in adolescents. Patients often come in and are asked
Watch the Digital Futures Team take part in InSites workshop 2024! https://immersive.tsdft.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/insites_workshop_2024-1080p.mp4 Share: Twitter LinkedIn On Key Related Posts