The Digital Futures lab now has a new home. We’re now located in the Centre for Health & Care Professionals building – you can find the location at the bottom of this page.

VR for Womens Health

VR to improve female health outcomes: Review of use cases, technologies, content, research and evaluation practices, barriers, and solutions

Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) is used widely in the domain of patient care, however, the documentation of VR for female patients’ health outcomes is limited. Digital Futures has put together a paper that presents data from 21 selected studies from around the world.


The paper aims to provide insights into how VR can be used to improve female healthcare, available technologies, content creation, research practices, evaluation metrics, barriers, and solutions. Improving women’s health outcomes through education and accessible information is a top priority in the UK Women’s Health Strategy 2022 report. Our hope is to inspire interesting discussions that may lead to the wider adoption of VR for female health.


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